Old-Estonian Massage
Old Estonian Massage is put together from different pieces found from Estonian heritage, considering present-days knowledge and needs, forming a wholesome massage. Even though in the old days massage was done differently in different places, Old Estonian Massage has an unique and a recognizable style with it's own rhythm and effective body management. Old Estonian Massage is created to keep your body healthy and in balance, also to relieve physical disorders.
Overall the massage is relaxing yet very thorough. This massage if very good if you are looking for a deep tissue massage. And it is also really effective after heavy training or an athletic contest.
How the massage is carried out:
Old Estonian Massage is done on a mat wearing light and comfortable clothes. Like this the therapist can easily take different positions and use versatile and effective techniques.
Indications for Old-Estonian Massage
slow blood and lymph circulation
problems in blood flow (cold feet and hands)
dry and tired skin
irritated nervous system, stress
sleeping disorders
tense or aching muscles
joints are less mobile
difficulties breathing
slight decrease in blood pressure
slowed down metabolism
weak immune system
body weakness
tension headaches
posture problems
weariness from mental work
Contraindications for Old-Estonian Massage
brisk heart failure
too low or high blood pressure
danger of thrombosis or embolism
inflammatory sicknesses (fever)
festering sores
contagious diseases
skin and venereal diseases
thyroid diseases
affective state
brisk kidney failure
brisk liver failure
severe traumas
big birthmarks and bruises in the area where massage is carried out
Massage is not suitable after a trauma or an operation.